Here are some screenshots of lasers. They use a relative velocity targeting system I wrote so that ships can accurately fire at long range as long as their target does not accelerate.
I’m using the same engine I’ve been working on developing, but I’ve switched it to be more space oriented and use realistic gravitational physics.
And for a scaling reference, this is me shooting missiles rapid-fire at a planet. I still need to scale down the ships and missiles more, but before I do that, I need to switch all floats to doubles.
Since I haven’t updated in a month, here’s a screenshot of recent progress.
Note that some of the text has small artifacts beneath it. This is because I hacked together the font rendering using the java FontMetrics and haven’t entirely cleaned it up. All of the text is rendered from a file that contains individual character information and a texture like this:
Edit: I fixed the font rendering, but I’m not going to upload a new screenshot because the corrected difference is not significant.
I’ve been doing some concept work for an arena-type game that I’m not going to post many details about until I have something to show for it, but here’s a silly development screenshot so that I am doing something.
Basically, just for now, a bunch of random player-following minions spawn that the player can shoot. General control mechanics: Top-side view with WASD movement. The blue-tinted line represents where the player is aiming.